AI Engine Embedding Metadata

Give your embedded content a serious upgrade! Syncing metadata ensures important details like dates, locations, and descriptions travel along with it.

Ready to learn how?

Let’s modify your AI Engine embedding module – I’ll walk you through it using an event from The Events Calendar:

To provide our bots with the necessary time-based context, we need to sync start and end dates.


Add this PHP snippet:

add_action('plugins_loaded', function() {
	global $mwai_core;
	if (class_exists('MeowPro_MWAI_Embeddings') && $mwai_core->get_option( 'module_embeddings', false )) {
		function add_date_time_to_event_embedding($content,$postId) {
			// Check if the post is an event
			if (function_exists('tribe_get_start_date') && get_post_type($postId) === 'tribe_events') { 
				// Fetch start and end dates using the plugin's functions or WordPress get_post_meta()
				$timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
				$start_date = tribe_get_start_date($postId, false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
				$end_date = tribe_get_end_date($postId, false, 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
				$url = get_permalink( $postId );
                // Prepare the date strings
                $date_string = "The link to this event is here: $url.\nThe start date of this event is: $start_date $timezone";
				$date_string .= "\nThe end date of this event is: $end_date $timezone";
				// Append to the content
				$content .= "\n\n" . $date_string;
			global $mwai_core;
			return $mwai_core->clean_sentences( $content );
		class My_Custom_Embeddings extends MeowPro_MWAI_Embeddings {
			function sync_vector( $vector = null, $postId = null, $envId = null ) {
				global $mwai_core;
				global $mwai;
				$ref = new ReflectionClass($this);
				if ( $postId ) {
					$previousVectors = parent::get_vectors_by_refId( $postId, $envId );
					if ( count( $previousVectors ) > 1) {
						error_log( "There are more than one vector with the same refId ({$postId}). It is not handled yet." );
					else if ( count( $previousVectors ) === 1) {
						$vector = $previousVectors[0];
					else {
						// It's a new vector.
						$post = $mwai_core->get_post( $postId );
						if ( !$post ) {
						// Prepare and return the addition of a new vector based on the provided postId.
						$content = add_date_time_to_event_embedding($post['content'],$postId); ############# CHANGED
						return parent::vectors_add( [
							'type' => 'postId',
							'title' => $post['title'],
							'refId' => $post['postId'],
							'refChecksum' => $post['checksum'],
							'envId' => !empty( $envId ) ? $envId : $ref->sync_post_envId,
							'content' => $content,
							'behavior' => 'context'
						], 'ok' );
				// Proceed with the original function logic if $postId is not provided.
				if ( is_numeric( $vector ) ) {
					$vector = parent::get_vector( $vector );
				// If the vector does not have a refId, it is not linked to a post, and only need to be updated.
				if ( empty( $vector['refId'] ) ) {
					return parent::update_vector( $vector );
				$matchedVectors = parent::get_vectors_by_refId( $vector['refId'], $vector['envId'] );
				if ( count( $matchedVectors ) > 1 ) {
					// Handle multiple vectors related to the same post.
					error_log( "There are more than one vector with the same refId ({$vector['refId']}). It is not handled yet." );
				$matchedVector = $matchedVectors[0];
				$post = $mwai_core->get_post( $matchedVector['refId'] );
				if ( !$post ) {
				// Continue with the deletion of the matched vector and addition of the new vector.
				$content = add_date_time_to_event_embedding($post['content'],$postId); ############# CHANGED
				if ( !$ref->force_recreate && $post['checksum'] === $matchedVector['refChecksum']
					&& $matchedVector['status'] === 'ok') {
					return $matchedVector;
				parent::vectors_delete( $matchedVector['envId'], [ $matchedVector['id'] ] );
				// Rewrite the content if needed.
				if ( $ref->rewrite_content && !empty( $ref->rewrite_prompt ) ) {
					global $mwai;
					$prompt = str_replace( '{CONTENT}', $content, $ref->rewrite_prompt );
					$prompt = str_replace( '{TITLE}', $post['title'], $prompt );
					$prompt = str_replace( '{URL}', get_permalink( $post['postId'] ), $prompt );
					$prompt = str_replace( '{EXCERPT}', $post['excerpt'], $prompt );
					$prompt = str_replace( '{LANGUAGE}', $mwai_core->get_post_language( $post['postId'] ), $prompt );
					$prompt = str_replace( '{ID}', $post['postId'], $prompt );
					$content = $mwai->simpleTextQuery( $prompt, [ 'scope' => 'text-rewrite' ] );
				return parent::vectors_add( [
					'type' => 'postId',
					'title' => $post['title'],
					'refId' => $post['postId'],
					'refChecksum' => $post['checksum'],
					'envId' => $envId ? $envId : $matchedVector['envId'],
					'content' => $content,
					'behavior' => 'context'
				], 'ok' );
		global $mwai_embeddings;
		$mwai_embeddings = new My_Custom_Embeddings();
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function() {
	global $mwai_core;
	if (isset($mwai_core) && $mwai_core->get_option( 'module_embeddings', false )) {
		global $mwai_embeddings;
		$mwai_embeddings = new My_Custom_Embeddings();
		register_rest_route( 'mwai/v1', '/vectors/sync', array(
			'methods' => 'POST',
			'permission_callback' => array( $mwai_core, 'can_access_settings' ),
			'callback' => array( $mwai_embeddings, 'rest_vectors_sync' ),
		), true );

With start and end dates synced, the final step is to dynamically append the current date and time to the chatbot’s instructions ($query->instructions) for each user query.

Add this PHP snippet:

// Let's add the current date and time to the bottom of our chatbot's instructions
add_filter('mwai_ai_query', function ($query) {
    if (!($query instanceof Meow_MWAI_Query_Text) || $query->scope != 'chatbot') {
        return $query;
    $date_string = current_time('Y-m-d H:i:s',true);
    $string = "# **The current date and time is $date_string.**";
    if (isset($query->assistantId) && !empty($query->assistantId)) {
        if (!isset($query->context) || empty($query->context)) {
            $query->context = $string;
        } else {
            $query->context .= "\n\n".$string;
    } else {
        $query->instructions .= "\n\n".$string;
    return $query;
}, 10, 1);


Your synced events now carry essential start and end date metadata, and your chatbots are fully time-aware.

Remember, this embedding module extension is your playground – customize it with WooCommerce attributes or any other metadata you desire!

Let’s enhance your business! I can help you develop custom AI engine extensions or broader AI strategies.

Contact me.